Thursday, June 25, 2009

Best Burger King Ad Ever

I don't even have to write anything to prove how amazing this is.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tourettes Guy!


"...But why?"

-Tourettes Guy

Tourettes is usually not something I would consider funny hilarious, and I have for your approval a man stricken with this amazing condition. He goes by the name Tourettes Guy and has countless videos of his antics on YouTube. Today I bring to you a video featuring some of his greatest quotes including "These fishsticks are hard as tits!", "Bob Saget", and "Ouch, you hit me in the dick!" Also when your done watching the video here is a link to a soundboard so you can recreate the magic.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Find me a pet!

Im moving into a new apartment with a friend sometime in July and the complex ALLOWS PETS!!!! If you have ever been a reader of my shitty blog I could really use your help tracking down these animals so I may have them around for my daily enjoyment. I cannot do this with out your help. Thank You!!!

Home Vasectomy kit

With the high cost of pregnancies, and the outrageous prices condoms go for these days, what would you think is the most economical source of birth control. Upon searching the depths of eBay, I believe i have found it. for only the low cost of 79.79 (plus 2.99 shipping) you can be the proud owner of a pair of two vasectomy urology surgical instruments and start saving money by having your vasectomy at the comfort of your home. As an added bonus these also have a life time warranty, so you could possibly earn some extra cash by performing vasectomies for your friends and family (THEY PAY FOR THEMSELVES) Also with American Orgasm Day coming up shortly, this would be a great option to prepare for it. The tools can be found HERE. Happy Snipping!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Be Back Soon

We shall be back verrrrrry soon. Until then enjoy this...
