Thursday, December 31, 2009

Heavy Metal Farmer!

Please enough with the throat screaming in music! No one understands what you're yelling and people who listen to this music are tools. Finally somebody made some videos that shows how retarded this genre is. If you're with me on this subject enjoy the following amazing videos for Youtube's Daveyboyz

Happy New Years!
(Thanks Kenneth)

Also for an added bonus "Death Metal Vicar"

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Sex Offender Shuffle

If you have ever taken a look at, you know its a scary but eye-opening site. If you haven't seen this before, its basically a site where you give them your address and they display a map showing all of the sex offenders in your area. It also displays their photo (often hilarious) address, criminal conviction and age of victim. According to the site I have about 100 of these pervs in my area, my favorite being Roy, who was convicted not only for taking horible pictures and having a lazy eye, but also for didling a 7 year. Heres Roy.
Oops, I get sex offenders and Andy Dick confused occasionally... Heres the real Roy
There has to be a less scary way to introduce us to the scum who want to touch our childrens naughty bits. I found this answer today on, "The Sex Offender Shuffle." In this video (which is a parody of the Chicago Bears famous Super Bowl Shuffle) offenders are forced by the sheriffs department to inform the public that they are moving into the neighborhood by rapping their prior offenses. God I wish this was done in real life. Watch the video below.

The Sex Offender Shuffle -- powered by

Friday, December 25, 2009

Frosty The Pervert!

This is one of my favorite Christmas classics. Enjoy!