Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shave the bush to make the tree look taller!

Apparently YouTube thinks they know me all too well. As I logged onto the site I noticed they had some video suggestions for me including this one on how to shave my groin. Are they trying to hint something to me? The best thing is, this video is made by Gillette. Of course this isn't the first major razor company to make a video like this but I've decided to pass this video onto you anyways. For the other video (this ones a classic song for the ladies!) click here. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Titty Bear!!!!

Hey ladies, are you tired of that annoying seat belt gnawing into your chest every time your behind the wheel? Perhaps you yearn for a pleasant plush groping feeling while driving. If this applies to you, go pick your self up a Titty Tiddy Bear today! Actually if you really think you have a need for this product, do us all a favor and burn your license, we don't need anymore idiots out on the road.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Yahoo Answers As Of Late

Click on images for larger view

Andy Dick Arrested!

In recent not so shocking celebrity news comedian Andy Dick was arrested early this morning for sexual abuse (of a guy?). According to the arrest documents, he was drinking in a West Virginia bar, approached a man and "unexpectedly and without invitation grabbed the victim's crotch, repeatedly groping then kissing him." Also surprisingly this isn't his first sexual abuse charge, as he is currently on probation for a previous incident in California in 2008. It that case he pulled a teenager's top down outside of a Buffalo Wild Wings, however pleaded down to a lesser charge of battery. Oh Andy Dick, I guess I was right to add you in my previous article on Sex Offenders last year. Read more about this story and the arrest documents on TMZ

Worst Parodies Ever! What the Bob?

When I was a poor little Asian boy there was an artist you may of heard of by the name of Weird Al Yankovic, and I loved him. His parodies were well thought out, cleaver, and hilarious thus were highly popular and successful. These days from time to time there still exists some amazing parody editions of popular songs (Go Cops for example)but what Im about to show you is definitely not one of these. The videos you are about to witness are funny only due to the horrible production values, their awkward casts, and painful performances by those in them. They don't even deserve a place on this piece of shit I call a blog. Who you may ask, would even think about putting something this humiliating online? Those responsible are a group of teenagers from Batesville (??????? Where??????) who go by the name What The Bob. Why What The Bob?, you may ask. Thankfully they answered this question on their web site as "How did we come up with the name What the Bob? In December 2004 we wanted to make a web site so we were thinking of some names and we came up with What the Bob. On April 1, 2005 we launched the web site. We hope you enjoy it." Wow. See how many of their videos you can sit through before hanging your self (Hopefully not David Carradine style. Thats just gross.) Here ya go! Videos can also be found on their Youtube.

Are you still alive???

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wait for it...

This video has the best ending ever for a douchebag lifting weights. M Night Shyamalan couldnt even think this up. And no I don't scour the web looking for people lifting weights. No

Go Cops!

Winter break is finally over and I'm back from my trip home to Iowa. Unfortunately I also brought back some hardcore antibiotic resistant pneumonia (thanks Iowa for 2 weeks with temps as low as -35). While I recover and try to still get to classes, enjoy this gem of a video!