Sunday, February 21, 2010


Evgeni Plushenko, aka the largest douche in all of mother Russia, is the main reason I watched mens figure skating this year in the Olympics, with the hopes of his failure and/or falling...alot. After watching his interview where he talks about his "enemies,"Although I blame NBC for the Russia is bad tone of this video) he became elite douchbag status in my book. Check Out the interview below for yourself. Warning, his bowl cut mullet combination is pretty sexy.

Thank god he didn't get the gold this year. I don't think his ego could have handled it. The video I'm about to show you is what happened after he won his last Olympic Gold medal. Please please please, will one of his "enemies" take him out so this never happens again? Enjoy the video, I'm off to the barber shop to get a Plushenko.

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