Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If you wanna hang with us, NO CUSSING!

I'm really surprised I haven't posted this yet! I know its old news, but its still one of my favorite videos of all time. Meet Mr. McGay McKay Hatch (aka the most cyberfucking bullied kid in America), your average 15 year old kid. McKay decided he was fed up with all the motherfucking foul language his friends used and decided to start a no cussing club. This is all fine and well, however soon the club blew up in numbers, spawning off worldwide clubs, his own website, a book deal, and even inspiring some cities to make laws against profanity. If the first amendment isnt your thing(Its super old so doesn't count anymore!) feel free to check out his AMAZING 90'S THROWBACK WEBSITE here. (psst: The username/password for the members section is member/welcome, how creative!) If you don't want all the trouble of signing up for your free gift, dont worry, Ive included your very own membership certificate at the bottom to hang on your wall or mother's fridge!

In addition to the amazing work sir Hatch has done, he is also has a pretty sweet rap career ahead of him and created the following video to promote his group. Warning, shit gets pretty real in it and he has a tendency to flail is arms around randomly like an epileptic. (around 1:21 he throws down hardcore!)

Wow! Right? I wonder what our old friend Tourettes Guy would have to say about ol' McKay?

Much better! If you enjoyed this feel free to add McKay Hatch himself on Facebook and, you know, leave him some nice, clean, encouraging comments. As promised here is your very own certificate of membership into the No Cussing Club! Also as a bonus, a better remix of his shitty motherfucking rap song!

Click image to enlarge

Update: I just found a video of him performing the song live!!

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