Monday, March 7, 2011

Kim Kardashian is an untalented piece of garbage

Celebrities and Athletes need to stop making now. The only exception to this is Eddie Murphy, (Stop lying to your self, Party all the time was amazing) The Hoff (Hooked on a feeling! or better yet, Secret Agent man!) , and of course my monthly Idol Charlie Sheen (If he ever really releases one). However Paris, Heidi Montag, Shaq, Kobe, Lohan, Ron Artest (just released a brand new track), Bruce Willis, and many other celebrities and athletes need to stick to what they're good at... Recently Kim Kardashian just joined the list by collaborating with The Dream to produce one godawful train wreck of a song. It literally sounds like something rejected by Ke$ha and she would do anything to make a buck. This girl cannot sing to save her life, I had no clue it was even possible to use this much auto-tune on a track. It sounds like something DJ's could use to clear out a club at the end of the night. I would tell miss Kardashian to go back to what shes good at, but all shes known for is a big ass and making sex tapes with C-list nobodys' (you're not fooling anyone Ray J) Listen for yourself below and try not to stab yourself in the head. After, enjoys some other great celebrity music below.

Ron Artest

Heidi Montag


Shaq (Ok it's actually pretty sweet)

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