Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oh West Virginia!!!

Only in your West Virginia could a man mistake an 11 year old for his wife (or sister). Somewhere in between supervising his daughters slumber party and popping Lortabs and Xanax, Michael Lacy passed out on the couch. According to Lacy, he awoke to the feeling of kisses on his neck, something his wife apparently does on a regular basis. So naturally he dove right in and had sex with her. After finishing up business he then noticed it wasn't his wife, but was his daughters 11 year old friend. So as any responsible adult would do, he made her promise she would never tell anyone and treated the incident as a hilarious accident. Oh accident it was, she soon became pregnant and Lacy soon arrested. He's currently still in jail awaiting bail, but get this, his bond is only $5000.00! I know that's not alot of money but its hard to keep up income potential when you cant sell moonshine and bathtub meth from a jail cell. Check out the genius below.

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