Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Im officially fat

Today was quite the boring day off filled with shitty April fools pranks (of which i fell for almost all...fuck!) If any of you didnt know my other part time job is at Fuddruckers and upon hearing a few weeks ago that no one has been able to finish a 2 pound burger today I finally decided that I should be the first. First of all saying that this thing is only 2 pounds is an understatement. This monstrosity included 2, 1 pound patties, a half a pound bun and a metric shit-ton of swiss cheese, mushrooms and onions. I didnt think id be able to finish this fucker but somehow got it down while desperatly supressing the urge to projectile vomit during every bite. Fucker was good but waaaay to much. This is possibly the worst idea ive ever had and ever since the burger ive been stricken with insane bloating, gas and stomach pains. Heres some pictures of the monster burger and one of my fists for a comparison.

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