Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is why your fat

Everyone knows that America is an obese nation. And our waistlines are just continuing to grow. I believe I have found the underlying cause to our issue. Over eating is one facet of the issue and I'm just as guilty of it as anyone (see prior article here) but lets take a look at what Americans are eating. Today I came across a site called "This is why your fat" and found my self both disgusted and a little hungry. I thought my 2 pound hamburger was extreme until I saw this site. It features pictures of the outrageous foods in crazy portions that Americans all over the country are "enjoying." Below Ive added some of my favorite pictures from the site including the "Bacon Cinnamon Bun," "The 2 pound McDonald's burger," " The 60 pound rice krispy square" and "The Meat Cake complete with mashed potato icing" Yummm enjoy!!

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