Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Big Lebowski 2? Featuring Tara Reid?

Tara Reid might just be the worlds best actor. Funny or Die just posted an amazing (fake?) trailer for the Big Lebowski 2. Its pretty much the same as the first, but every character is played by Tara Reid... Genius...No really, its awesome!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Midnight Beast parody of Rebecca Black's Friday!

Im sure everyone has seen the train wreck of a video for Rebecca Black's "Friday" aka the worst music video ever by now so I'm not going to even comment on it. However, The Midnight Beast, an amazing group from England just made a great parody video of it. Check it out...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Someone get these guys a movie deal now!

This is seriously better than most of the crap Hollywood puts out now, and all done on a budget on $300! I want to see what they could do with a few million.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oh West Virginia!!!

Only in your West Virginia could a man mistake an 11 year old for his wife (or sister). Somewhere in between supervising his daughters slumber party and popping Lortabs and Xanax, Michael Lacy passed out on the couch. According to Lacy, he awoke to the feeling of kisses on his neck, something his wife apparently does on a regular basis. So naturally he dove right in and had sex with her. After finishing up business he then noticed it wasn't his wife, but was his daughters 11 year old friend. So as any responsible adult would do, he made her promise she would never tell anyone and treated the incident as a hilarious accident. Oh accident it was, she soon became pregnant and Lacy soon arrested. He's currently still in jail awaiting bail, but get this, his bond is only $5000.00! I know that's not alot of money but its hard to keep up income potential when you cant sell moonshine and bathtub meth from a jail cell. Check out the genius below.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Awesomely Bad Knockoffs

When I was a freshman in college I had a roommate we will call Philbert. He was this black kid from Chicago who always had to be up to date on the latest fashion trends. One day he came up to us asking to borrow a credit card to order some custom Air Force Ones from some website in Taiwan. He finally found someone dumb enough to lend him one and waited patiently for them to arrive. A couple weeks later they finally did. They were supposed to be stitched with custum Gucci black leather but upon opening them he noticed a pair of pink shoes that looked (and probably were) stitched by children. Seriously the ugliest shoes ever. He still wore them almost everyday and bragged about how pimp they were. Wish I would have gotten pictures of them but check out some pics of some other horrible knockoffs below.


John Daphne Quality Tenderness Whiskey



Mickey Mouse Rolex

Monday, March 14, 2011

What does Pi sound like? (Happy Pi Day!)

Happy Pi day!

Free Music Monday!!! Sir Michael Rocks "The Rocks Report"

Sorry for the lack of posting the last couple days, Ive spent the weekend passed out in bed sick as hell. To make up for it, I present you some amazing free (and legal) music to start your week off right! I am a huge fan of The Cool Kids, an amazing rap duo consisting of Mikey Rocks and Chuck Inglish out of Chicago. If you haven't heard of these guys your in luck, the majority of their music is completely free... and amazing. Do a quick Google search and pick up one of their mixtapes... seriously. Today, however, Sir Michael Rocks (Mikey Rocks) released his solo debut, "The Rocks Report" which is available... absolutely free! Do yourself a favor and check it out here.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hell Yeah! New Beavis and Butthead!

Now that King Of The Hill (one of my favorite shows btw) has been canceled for a while, it seems that it's creator, Mike Judge (Office Space, Idiocracy, Extract) is getting antsy for a return to animation. Rolling stone is reporting that MTV president Van Toffler has convinced Judge to return to the network and revive Beavis and Butthead. Awesome! The show has been set to return this summer and will make fun of such things as UFC fights, Lady Gaga, and MTV's own, Jersey Shore. Can't wait! Check out the Rolling Stone article for more info.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best Flight Attendant Ever!

I love to travel, however unfortunately I usually get sat next to a big smelly lady who wants to talk to me the whole flight or in front of a screaming baby or toddler who loves nothing more then to kick my seat. Thankfully Virgin Blue Airlines has came up with a good solution to this problem, or at least one of their employees did. A male flight attendant was recently fired, for get this, putting a 17 month old in an overhead bin. I applaud his decision and believe all travelers would benefit from this practice. Unfortunately the deed wasn't done in spite. The child was engaged in a rowdy game of hide and seek with it's parents when the flight attendant decided he wanted to get involved in the action. The overhead bin seems like the best option, doesn't it? Check out the Herald Sun for the full story.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What is this? Sneaky Asians!

What is this? I assume its some Japanese guide for perving on women, what with all the math involved in getting some up skirt action. Seems too complicated for me. Can anyone paste a translation in the comments?

Snoop Dogg Is Broke...and hit an all time low

I know I have been hating on celebrities quite a bit the last week but enough is enough. I was flipping though the channels the other day and landed on my childhood friend Nickelodeon and noticed every commercial break includes a music video from some shitty boy band called Big Time Rush. No harm done, but then Snoop Dogg started rapping with them... Has life gotten so rough for Snoop (who's rap sheet includes prison time for: cocaine, weapons possession and being an accomplice to murder btw) that he now has too rap on children's programs for weed money? What happened Mr. Gin and Juice, original gangsta, smoke weed everyday? This my friends is a sad day in America, let us all pour out a little of our 40's today for good ol' Snoop.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kim Kardashian is an untalented piece of garbage

Celebrities and Athletes need to stop making now. The only exception to this is Eddie Murphy, (Stop lying to your self, Party all the time was amazing) The Hoff (Hooked on a feeling! or better yet, Secret Agent man!) , and of course my monthly Idol Charlie Sheen (If he ever really releases one). However Paris, Heidi Montag, Shaq, Kobe, Lohan, Ron Artest (just released a brand new track), Bruce Willis, and many other celebrities and athletes need to stick to what they're good at... Recently Kim Kardashian just joined the list by collaborating with The Dream to produce one godawful train wreck of a song. It literally sounds like something rejected by Ke$ha and she would do anything to make a buck. This girl cannot sing to save her life, I had no clue it was even possible to use this much auto-tune on a track. It sounds like something DJ's could use to clear out a club at the end of the night. I would tell miss Kardashian to go back to what shes good at, but all shes known for is a big ass and making sex tapes with C-list nobodys' (you're not fooling anyone Ray J) Listen for yourself below and try not to stab yourself in the head. After, enjoys some other great celebrity music below.

Ron Artest

Heidi Montag


Shaq (Ok it's actually pretty sweet)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Time Life Presents...Charlie Sheen

Yes it's more Charlie Sheen!
If this was real, I would buy it in a heartbeat! Well, perhaps not buy, but I would torrent it. Thank you Jimmy Fallon!


Friday, March 4, 2011

James Earl Jones does Justin Bieber's Baby

First of all who is Gayle King? Second, She has no business interviewing James Earl Jones if she has never seen Star Wars. I don't know anyone who hasn't seen any of the Star Wars movies. Either way, this is the best rendition of a Bieber song I've ever heard.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yahoo Answers Part Deux

Cause the first one wasn't enough... Click on the images to expand

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlie Sheen Isn't Bipolar...He's Bi-Winner

OMG a link! Charlie Sheen quote generator.

With classics such as:

"I'm tired of pretending I'm not a total, bitchin' rock star from Mars."

"I am battle-tested bayonets bro."

"I was banging seven gram rocks and finishing them. Because that's how I roll."

"Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.

Check it out!

Oh Snap! Check out those sexy share buttons below this...Go ahead, it wants to be clicked

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Avatar Just Got A "Little" Real

Think I can link with this Toruk?

Kanye Does It Again!

First of all I know I have a history ripping on Kanye West, but for once I approve of something he did. (besides his last album, which was amazing btw) A couple weeks ago he became the first rapper to bring the public spotlight to epilepsy awareness through the release of his new video "All of the lights." Seriously the description for this video contains the following warning: "WARNING: This video has been identified by Epilepsy Action to potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised." If you were ever curious whether you have this disorder or just want to play a prank on your epileptic friend, check out the video below Better yet, play it full screen with all the lights off. Also, be sure to like us on Facebook!

Sesame Street Old Spice Parody

Creepy how spot on this parody is. Hopefully they will make another one soon.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Ive been applying for summer internships (Any takers? Anyone?) for the past few months and the rejection letters have started to flow in. Unfortunately they all pretty much look the same:


Thank you for your interest in XXXXXX and our internship program. We had an overwhelming number of applicants for the three positions, and I am sorry to say that you were not among the final candidates. Thank you for applying and good luck in the employment search.



If they are going to be informal, why not at least be creative with it. Or least give a good reason why I was rejected. Better yet how about sending something like this:

Dear Sir:

While updating our file of job applications, yours was folded into a paper airplane and was accidentally sailed out the window. Would you mind filling out the enclosed application and mailing it back to us in the shape of an airplane?

Sincerely, Personnel Department

Perhaps I need to contact them again to correct the situation. There is a anti-rejection letter flowing around the internet that would be perfect for this.

Dear [name of the person who signed the rejection letter],

Thank you for your letter of [date of the rejection letter]. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me [employment with your firm/a contract to publish my book].

This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of candidates, it is impossible for me to accept all refusals. Despite [name of the co or agency that sent you this letter]'s outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting [applicants/manuscripts], I find that your rejection does not meet with my needs at this time.

Therefore, I will initiate [employment/publishing] with your firm immediately following [graduation/job change, etc. -- get creative here]. I look forward to working with you.
Best of luck in rejecting future [candidates/manuscripts].

[your name]

It could be worse. At least I'm not Andy Warhol. Check out this doozy of a rejection letter he received for after sending some of his work to the freaking MUSEUM OF MODERN ART. (click image to enlarge)

Or I could be a woman applying to be an animator for Disney (Or perhaps Jewish)

This last rejection letter at least looks like its something I would be rejected for.

Does anyone want to give me a Summer internship yet?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lightsabers exist?!?

Why didn't anyone tell me I could finally own a working lightsaber? Ok maybe not a true lightsaber, but this 1000 mW class IV laser was similar enough that Lucasfilms unsuccessfully stepped in with a cease and desist letter. At $300 its not exactly a bargain but its powerful enough to burn skin or hair as well as instantly blind a person. Awesome! I wonder if I could buy this thing and open up a tattoo removal clinic with it?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Epic Meal Time!

If you haven't heard of these guys yet, you soon will. Over the past few months Epic Meal Time has become one of YouTubes best new sensations. Hailing from Canada (Eh!), Harley Morenstein and his group of friends have created perhaps the worlds greatest concept for a cooking show. Taking some of the tastiest (and calorie dense) ingredients, and especially heavy on meats, they create some of the most calorie laden and delicious monstrosities ever imagined. Who else would think to create a 138,000 calorie burger or an 18,000 calorie booze heavy breakfast? They have been getting so much exposure lately there is even talks to adapt the show for network television. These guys are literally my current personal heroes for what they do with food. For those who know me, over the last 6 months or so Ive dropped around 70lbs of weight off my body. Although living a new lifestyle it is my personal goal to meet these guys this year, and let them ruin my progress. If anyone who reads this knows them or they somehow see this, get at me! Check out the video below and check out their YouTube channel for more tasty goodness. Also for more crazy food click here. Oh and stop hating...Haters!

Was this intended to be funny?

Why are black people so fast? You would be too if you spent the first 9 months of your life dodging a coat hanger... Apparently the worlds' most racist joke might have some truth to it. Recently in New York City a 4 story billboard was just erected depicting a black child and the tag line "The most dangerous place for African Americans is in the womb." It was put up by the group Life Always and based on the statistic that although African Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population, they account for 36% of all abortions. Screw you Life Always for ruining all my jokes with your boring statistics. Unless this was meant to be hilarious of course. In that case, thank you for brightening my day with your amazing billboards. Click the images below to enlarge them.Bonus Billboard!