Thursday, April 9, 2009

6th Grader Sues Dad Over Grounding - And Wins

I swear this will be the last post today that involves children.

While growing up a lot of us complained that our parents punishments were too harsh but there was not much we could do about it. Well a 6th grader in Quebec did something we could only dream of. She sued her father complaining his punishment was to harsh.

The girl's parents are divorced and when the child found out about a school trip to Quebec City the girl asked for and received permission from her mother although she lives with her father. The father agreed to let her go however after she broke his household rules about too much internet use he grounded her from going on the trip. The girls response...A lawsuit. A lower court sided with the girl who ended up going on the trip. The father appealed on principle and lost again. Now the father is thinking about taking the case to Canada's supreme court, which i think is presided over by Tom Green, Celine Dion, Terrance and Philip and I think the guys in Nickleback.

God Canada is fucked up


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