Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Only in Mississippi

One of the craziest stories Ive heard in a while took place last week in . 47 year old Tammy Sexton was in her home when her estranged husband Donald barged in carrying a .380 pistol. He proceeded to aim at her and fired a bullet into her temple which passed cleanly through her brain and exited through the back of her skull. He then fled out side and turned the gun on himself. Mrs. Sexton not only survived the shot to the head but when police arrived they found her making tea and holding a rag to her head. She even offered a cup to the officers. They brought her too the hospital where it has been determined that she is expected to make a full recovery with no permanent brain damage. Original story can be found here. Sorry i have no video or pictures of this. Unfortunately those do not exist in the great state of Mississippi since no one there can afford them.

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