Tuesday, April 7, 2009

E-Cards...The Best Way To Tell Someone You Gave Them Herpes

Lately with STD rates that are out of control everyone should get checked regularly. I recently went in to get checked (I'm clean...Ladies ha ha) and while in the waiting room I picked up a copy of WebMD magazine to read. In it I saw an article about a site that lets you send E-cards to notify your partners that you have an STD if your too scared or ashamed to do it in person. This has to be the most inappropriate way I have ever seen to inform someone your gave them a disease, and I figured it had to have been some sick joke. Nope no joke at all. At http://www.inspot.org you can seriously send a card saying "Sorry but I have an Std and you might want to get checked," or that you recently was diagnosed with HIV. As screwed up as this seems, it does have some potential for some practical joke applications. Images of some of the cards are below but check out the site for more...

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