Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I found Jesus...

Are you feeling lost, alone? Do you feel you have something missing in your life. Well I have something that might help you. I have found Jesus...on a dogs anus. I'm not kidding. After a long round of "what does the dog's anus smell like" its owners noticed that his hindquarters resembled Jesus himself. So like any good christian they decided to make some money off of Angus MacDougal (the dogs name) and immediately gave him a website. Here is what the website had to say about it.

"Angus MacDougall is a three-year-old terrier mix that has recently been blessed with the revered and holy image of Jesus Christ on his hindquarters. Is this manifestation of The Prince of Peace a coincidence or a bona fide miracle? One thing is for certain, this apparition of the Son of God is sure to inspire controversy. Not much if any true scientific or theological inquiry has been made into the nature of this sign to date, but "seeing is believing" as little Angus' terrier-tush is obviously marked by the likeness of Christ. Click on the image below to witness His astonishing appearance, first hand then be sure to visit the links above to learn more about Angus and his sacred derriere extraordinaire. We hope you enjoy your visit!"

Take a look at Angus's Anus (ha ha) for your self and you decide what it is or isn't. Also below are some other famous Jesus sightings

Angus himself

Angus's Anus

Jesus On A Fishstick

Jesus On A Chunky KitKat

Jesus On A Pierogii (WTF is a Pierogii?)

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