Thursday, April 9, 2009

Crazy Kid Arrests

Considering the last few posts were about issues dealing with children, today is obviously kids day at UnicornShit. Recently the website has been a goldmine for hilarious articles about children and recently I've noticed a lot of crazy stories about kids getting arrested. Due to this I've decided to post my favorites here with links to the original articles.

13 year old gets arrested for farting...
Passing gas is hilarious for most teenage boys but this 13 year old boy in Florida was recently arrested for "disruption of a school function" for repeatedly passing gas

Teen gets escorted out of prom in handcuffs for inappropriate prom dress
A Houston teen was escorted out of her prom in handcuffs for "improper dress code." In the school defense this dress was definitely not appropriate but was handcuffing her really necessary? You decide, the picture is included below.

Police arrest 7 year old on dirtbike
The boy was had his bike turned off and was sitting on it on a sidewalk near his home when police spotted him and claimed he was riding a dirt bike on a side walk which is against the law. So what to they do? They pulled him from his bike by his neck and took him downtown where they took mugshots and fingerprinted him before returning the boy to his parents. Apparently this received so much attention that the boy and his parrents recieved an apollogy from the mayor of Baltimore.

5 year old was handcuffed for "Temper Tantrum"
A 5 year old became unruly during a kindergarten class and started tearing down paper off a bulletin board and hit the assistant principle when he intervened. Instead of calling the parents, they decided to call the police on the girl. The police bent the girl over a table, handcuffed her and put her in the back of a squad car before releasing her to her parents.

School Guards Break Child's Arm And Arrest Her For Dropping Cake
A 16 year old girl was standing in a lunch line waiting to pay when she was bumped and her piece of cake fell to the floor. School security asked her to clean it up, which she did, however not to their satisfaction. She was forced to re clean the area 3 more times until she finally left the cafe out of embarrassment. At this point security jumped on her, held her down, and broke her wrist in the process. Security was also heard saying "hold still nappy head" in this incident. She ending up not only with a broken wrist but with charges of battery and littering (cake). In addition a student and his sister were arrested for filming the event with their cellphone.

10 year old arrested for cutting lunch with a knife
A 10 year old girl received FELONY CHARGES for bringing a steak knife to school. Did she threaten some one with it? Did she wave it around showing everyone? No! She brought it out at lunch time to cut the steak she bought for lunch.

Honorable Mention

Andover Seventh-grader's KKK project draws fire.
When i was in elementary school I was in a gifted program called tag. (I know me right?) In this class one of our projects was to create a board game. Mine was on the internet which was new and exciting and not primarily for porn back then. Well a class in Andover had a similar assignment where they made board games about historical events to show what they have learned. Well one student ended up making one on the KKK. The boy did not have any racial intentions behind this and was just showing what he learned (even though some of the cards included statements such as "You forget to clean your white robe so you can't go to the lynching. You are punished. Move back two spaces") however some parents were extremely upset when they saw this at a school open house. Picture included below

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